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    Electrical Installation & Maintenance

    An electrical Installation condition report (ECIR) is also known as a periodic inspection or referred to as a landlord safety test. It is a formal document which is produced following an assessment of the electrical installation which will detail any recommendations or requirements to comply with the electrical British standards BS7671. This must be carried out by an experienced, qualified electrician or an approved contractor.

    J.R Building and Maintenance Services can provide you with your ECIR, whether it is at a home, business, or a property that is used for the purpose of rental. Your installation must always be covered, and be within date by a relevant electrical certification, which we take pride in completing and providing. After all safety within a property is paramount.

    If there has been an incident in regards to the electrical installation and there is not a valid ECIR present, property insurance may be null and void. Furthermore, if the property is used for rental purposes you can be prosecuted as you have a duty of care.

    For further information in regards to the current regulations, please contact us and we can discuss this with you.

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